Considering the amounts of worldwide plastics consumed, their recycling represents a significant lever to limit the impact on environment. The ...
The refining industry has a unique expertise, which is to process and convert multiple feedstocks made of highly complex molecules. Refining should ...
Craken™ Series activity, selectivity and product properties are extremely competitive compared to other products on the market.
Close collaboration achieved step by step Client : an independent refiner Duration : 2006-on going The success of a project often relies on strategy ...
Technologist in Axens’ Middle Distillate and conversion Business Line, ...
BP’s Kwinana Refinery (Australia) selected the HR 1246 CoMo catalyst following results of pilot plant tests conducted by BP’s Refining Technology ...
A growing number of countries is tackling this problem, developing regulations for the proper management and recycling of spent lubricant oil, often ...