Considering the amounts of worldwide plastics consumed, their recycling represents a significant lever to limit the impact on environment. The ...
The refining industry has a unique expertise, which is to process and convert multiple feedstocks made of highly complex molecules. Refining should ...
Among the numerous carbon capture technologies, the dominant two are pre- and post-combustion. New, more cost-effective CO2 capture technologies are ...
In 2021, the number of existing CCUS facilities worldwide is far below ...
Several third parties have analyzed CCUS impact. The scenarios of the ...
All sources agree with the urgent need for action to mitigate climate change and, consequently, the top priority of reducing GreenHouse Gas (GHG) ...
In December 2015, the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) adopted the Paris ...
The refining industry has a unique expertise, which is to process and convert multiple feedstocks made of highly complex molecules. Refining should ...